


St. Joseph's Volunteer Organization

The SJVO is Augustinian Academy’s Parent/Teacher Volunteer Organization (PTO). The SJVO supports the school through fundraising, volunteering in the school and organizing fun events for families.

All families of registered students are members of the SJVO.

Our very active volunteer community is part of what makes Augustinian Academy so special.

Dear Augustinian Academy Families,

         Welcome back to school for the 2023-2024 school year and welcome to the new families that have joined the Augustinian Academy family this year. We are excited about the upcoming school year and all of the great things the SJVO has planned. The SJVO is the Saint Joseph’s Volunteer Organization and is Augustinian Academy’s Parent/Teacher Volunteer Organization, or PTO. Parent involvement is extremely important to the success of our school year because our work provides opportunities for parents to support and strengthen our school by implementing programs, events, and fundraisers for the benefit of all Augustinian students. This is a GREAT way to be involved in the school, and get to know the school staff and other families. It is a great community to be a part of, don’t miss out!

How do I join the SJVO?
The SJVO is different than most PTOs in that all families of registered students are members of the SJVO. Family involvement provides opportunities for parents to work together to build a strong community spirit at Augustinian Academy, and is an integral part of our school community. We also have several committees that plan our various events throughout the year. Due to a large number of military families in our school, we sometimes lose dedicated volunteers each year due to the military PCS season. Therefore, we are always in great need of parents willing to jump right into these volunteer roles.
How do I find out more about the SJVO?
We meet once a month (online and/or in person) and all parents are welcome to attend. It’s a great way to stay informed about upcoming events at school! Also, check out our Facebook page Augustinian Academy SJVO to stay up to date on events and volunteer opportunities. It’s also a great way to communicate with other parents! **Our SJVO page is a private Facebook group and therefore you must answer all of the membership questions to be admitted to the group.**
What is the expected commitment to the SJVO?
All families are asked to donate a minimum of 10 hours for the school year and 3 hours for the St. James Fair (total of 13 hours), but you don’t have to stop there! Your level of involvement is up to you! There are many opportunities to volunteer from home, in the evenings, or with younger children. Your volunteer hours will be tracked through our Volunteer Log Google Form and it will be your responsibility to enter your volunteer hours upon completion. If you have any questions regarding volunteering, please contact the SJVO at
I want to volunteer, but…..
While we understand that each family has their own commitments and schedules outside of school, rest assured that we have a need for every type of volunteer! Below are descriptions of the types of our volunteer opportunities we provide:

Night/Weekend Volunteer (After school hours is easier for you): Set up, clean up, working activities, and food service at monthly Sunday Pancake Breakfasts and Family Fun Nights.

Daytime Volunteer (You want to volunteer during the school day): Set up and sell items at the Book Fair or Santa’s Workshop. Track laps at the end of the year Walk-a-thon!

Behind the Scenes Volunteer (You work full-time or can’t be at school during the day): Donate goods for Bountiful Baskets. Send in sweets and potluck items for the Family Fun nights, Winter Gala, and Teacher Appreciation Days.

Independent Operator Volunteer (You like to work at your own pace/schedule or from home): Help Organize the Uniform Closet, plan the Yearbook, or sell Friday Ice Cream!

Major Event Planner/Volunteer (You thrive in the thick of it!): Help plan and solicit community donations for the Annual Winter Gala, Jingle Bell Run, and St. James Fair.
How do I find out about SJVO opportunities?
All of our volunteer opportunities are sent out via a SignUp Genius link sent to your email for each individual event. It is important to provide the SJVO with a working email for you to receive these links at. If you are not getting Sign-up Genius email notifications, please let the front office know or email You will also have the option to be contacted via text for important updates or last minute opportunities.
Is there any mandatory training?
Our diocesan sponsored abuse prevention and awareness training is mandatory for all volunteers who work directly with our students. Information on training will be put out at our first SJVO meeting of the school year. For more information please visit
We look forward to working with all of the wonderful Augustinian parents this year!