
Bus Transportation

Free bus transportation is available from the following areas: ​​

All Fort Drum Housing​​
Indian River​​
Beaver River​​

Other school districts may be able to provide busing with special arrangements.
Parents must contact their local public school district to request busing on a yearly basis prior to April 1, or within 30 days of moving into a district. Transportation forms are sent home in March.

We currently have free bus services from: Carthage, Copenhagen, Beaver River, Indian River and Lowville school districts. Transportation is provided for all on-post housing.

Students are expected to comply with the rules and regulations of the public school system in regards to bus behavior. Continuous violation of these rules may result in temporary suspension and/or the loss of riding privileges.

Bus emergency drills are conducted on a regular basis each year. During these drills, students are to be as serious as they would be during regular fire drills in school.

Local Bus Garages

Beaver River – (315) 346-1112

Carthage – (315) 493-0950

Indian River – (315) 642-0331

Lowville – (315) 376-7212

Copenhagen – (315) 688-2922